Tuesday, March 26, 2013

The Empathy Factor

Good morning, the more that I look around, the more I see empathy is not a rare trait. We have been led to believe that it is but a lot of people care about others. From social networking sites like Twitter and YouTube, to blogs and podcasts, there a lot of people who have the same feelings right now all around the world.

There are thousands of charities around the world that truly try to help others. But unfortunately there are also a lot of charities that rip people off. I think it shows the dualism in our society. There is a belief in right and wrong ingrained in us from moral codes and societal standards. These are nothing more than the hopes of a few very rich men who had interest in keeping others down. There are obviously some standards to which should be followed such as do no harm and The Golden Rule. But the majority of the laws are meant to benefit only companies and private donors to political candidates. The head of the FDA is a former Monsanto executive, You have to work for Goldman Sachs in order to be appointed to the Treasury, The list goes on and on. Yet because of religion and moral codes and societal standards, we are held to believe that everything is either right or wrong and that people deserve to be put in prison for things that are wrong according to companies and governments that find it in their interest to put them away. But I'll save the corrupt prison industrial complex for another time.

If we can ever get away from the dualistic nature of our society and accept people for who they are, as long as you're not hurting others, the world will truly be a better place. Think about it, Democrats and Republicans, God and Satan, right and wrong, everything has a vested interest in keeping you distracted and in fear. Once you let go of that fear you can finally experience what true freedom is. That's why I believe Western society is the disease. We destroy the planet, we tell others who they can and cannot marry, the wealth gap is bigger than it's ever been, zionists, corporations, and the military industrial complex control the government; and Christianity controls the majority of the population. I know the problems are great, but there is an easy solution.

Empathy is the solution.  If you can feel the pain of others, you will not want to hurt them. Unconditional love is the solution for all. If you truly have a desire to help others, we can truly make the world a living paradise. Let's do it together.

Friday, January 25, 2013

Time to Stand Up

The best way to fight against the powers that be in today's world is to continuously be searching for knowledge. Knowledge is at the heart of the agenda to exploit mankind globally. Through cooperation by governments and corporations, the world has been changed completely over the course of the last century. Certain things such as expanded power grids, cleaner energy, the internet,  and organizations truly combating poverty have been helpful as the force of the US empire has expanded. Unfortunately, the new US-centric global system has been far more harmful than good predominantly.

First, we must never forget history. Over the course of recorded history, mankind has been exploiting and killing each other for resources or agendas. This is something that "civilized" societies claim to be a thing of the past. However, looking back at all of the major wars and conflicts of modern history, nothing has changed. Including the most recent wars in Afghanistan (opium, rare earth elements), and Iraq (oil, regional dominance), humans are exploiting and killing each other on a much grander scale than ever. Africa has been pushed into total upheaval as the US and major world corporations seek to exploit an incredible supply of resources. So the US and corporations have caused destruction, poverty, famine, in all major regions of the globe for the sake of greed that has always been there throughout recorded history.

We have not evolved yet. The mass populations of the world are constantly subjected to a barrage of advertising and propaganda on billboards, internet, tv, radio, and print media. This propaganda seeks to lower everyone's self esteem simply so they feel obligated to buy things they don't want or need, and so that they comply with whatever their government wishes. This occurs not only in the USA, but also in most developed countries as a direct result of crony capitalism and militarism exported from our country.

In 1913, the president officially signed over the USA to private banks and businessmen with the Federal Reserve Act. I highly recommend researching this act further. You will see that it gave control of our nation's monetary supply and economy to the Rockefellers, Vanderbilts, and the other richest members of society. Prior to 1913, there was no IRS and no income taxes. The control of the money supply was expressly given to Congress by the founders, so that we would not face the problems of major countries of the past. Greedy men took control a hundred years ago, and by using conditioning acquired from psychiatrists, marketing from Lenin, and propaganda from Goebbels, has made any bad mention of the system look like treason, or insanity.

Since 1913 we have had World War 1, World War 2, Korea, Vietnam, Cold War, Desert Storm, Afghanistan, Iraq. Not to mention all the conflicts started or provoked by the US, or all the secret operations of the CIA in Latin, Central, and South America; Africa; Eastern Europe; Asia; and the Middle East. Endless, senseless war that only benefits a few corporations and politicians that has been going on for a century. What does the average US citizen think about it? "I have never heard these things. You must be crazy. The US is the greatest country in the world." The classical and opperant conditioning models have been working well for the ones in charge.

I did not illustrate this point to create fear or powerlessness. Quite the contrary, knowing the truth is more empowering than any speech in history. When you search and find knowledge, it is your responsibility to use that knowledge appropriately. Once I realized what our country has done to the world, I could never be the same. I have devoted my time to speaking up and speaking out with nearly every message I communicate. We can end the corporate/government reign of terror, by spreading the truth for all to hear and gathering all that want to bring a different direction to the USA. A future where we have become self-sustaining and tolerant of all. The government and media uses fear to numb you to your own natural empathy for others' suffering. Find your empathy, and channel it into passionately spreading truth, hope and love for all. And an end to the destruction and exploitation of the past. Its time for all of us to stand up now!

Monday, December 3, 2012

Hawking Was Right, We Must Become Multi-Planetary and Self-Sustaining

There are a couple key things I want to talk about. I was recently watching a very interesting documentary with Steven Hawking. He said that in order for mankind to survive long term we must accomplish two main goals: become self-sustaining and multi-planetary.


Although it is easy to say that wind, solar, and nuclear fission are the most efficient alternative methods currently in use, they are not the best. Nuclear fusion is the ultimate in energy possibilities, and scientists across the globe are currently experimenting with different methods on smaller scales. It is a very exiting proposition to have a similar process that powers stars available to power the world with zero carbon or radioactive output. The governments of the world are in close competition for resources as the world continues to overpopulate and this would buy us some time for the people to have their say in free energy.

With the trillions of dollars spent on military advancements and to huge contractors with an invested interest in chaos and destruction, we are stuck in a perpetual cycle until the people stand up. There are many different ways to end war, but lets be clear taking guns away from peaceful people is not acceptable. If you do no real harm to others, your conduct is no one's business. That should be the only law of the world, the golden rule.

After we end perpetual war, we can use all of our technology and research to perfect amazing things like 3D printing of carbon to repair even human tissue or being able to create anything you can dream of if you know the chemical composition you want to 3D print with. Also, using fusion to produce micro technology to power anything virtually endlessly. Even man's greatest dream of going to the stars is possible with the technological breakthroughs a world without war could create.


Using carbon nanotubes and 3D printing technology, as well as fusion reactors and emerging rocket technologies, we can colonize our solar system as well as venture into the stars and become the pioneers sci-fi has long imagined we could be. As long as our focus is on material possessions and the status quo, we will destroy our planet and all the technology man has so far created will be meaningless. I think that's why so many people are interested in the potential impact of 2012, whether it be a physical change in the planet or a change in awareness like I believe it is. For our hope and future, we must stop our obsession with destroying ourselves and our planet. It is possible to build heaven on earth, if we all want it.

 That's why the most important question to ask yourself should be "What kind of world do I want to create for the future?" If everyone asks themselves that question we can advance to the point where we could get to Mars in a matter of days instead of 8+ months, we could venture out to the moons of Jupiter and Saturn with potential frozen oceans underneath. If we stop telling ourselves we don't know what to do so we don't care, we can do all these things and more.

Most importantly, if we have the technology to become self-sustaining on earth, it will be easy to take that anywhere we decide to go in the universe. Simulated gravity, micro technology making medicine even better, quantum computing, and 3D printing whatever food you want are just the icing on the cake.

These are my dreams for the future. If mankind wants to evolve, we must end war, become self-sustaining, and multi-planetary. Then all our dreams can become reality. Who doesn't want to give their children and their loved ones paradise? It is possible, anything is.

Monday, November 19, 2012

An Introduction To My Mindset

Everyone is unique. Everyone is also very similar. Humanity and society has been around for a long time in different forms and is constantly molding itself into something new. An unfortunate consequence of the universe constantly seeking balance is that we have not progressed beyond our most basic instincts in certain regards.

I have always been fascinated by war. The level of innovation man has achieved (and will achieve) for the sake of war is unmatched with any other reason for innovation. The first weapons were used for protection, hunting, and survival. As man grew more complex these instincts did not go away. That is why apart from those who profit from war, most people are disgusted at the thought of war with our fellow humans. In the United States we have been taught that wars are just and necessary to maintain our place as "defenders of freedom." How can one enjoy freedom if he is killed in order for U.S. interests to be proper served? When we betray our natural inclination towards peace, we let fear and hate take over. Humanity must progress beyond war and discord to evolve any more.

In most developed countries in the world, people have several choices for their daily entertainment. Music, Television, Games, Books (eBooks), Gossip, Partying, etc are mainstays of entertainment in the 21st century. In almost every genre of entertainment, technology has advanced immensely. At the same time, the quality of information has become immensely worse. It is hard to trust anyone when most people are exposed to thousands of advertisements lying to us every single day. Now companies are relentlessly pushing their positive "image" to us on every front (billboards, radio, t.v., internet, etc). The truth is the image is a mirage. Companies exist to make a profit. In order for a company to make a profit, someone else must lose. We are the losers and we don't even realize it. The entertainment industry and big corporations are intertwined beyond recognition. Because of this we set humanity back mentally and physically for the sake of the few that are clever enough to deceive us. Humanity must progress beyond programming to become our own programmers.

At its heart, religion has noble aspirations. Unfortunately, it has been stunting humanity's growth for thousands of years. From the ancient Sumerian and Egyptian religions to the current Western religions, the similarities abound. The Greek and Roman gods were also very similar. Unfortunately, Christianity took over the Western world in Roman times and became the Roman Catholic Church we know today. Since the beginning, Christianity borrowed elements of Judaism and ancient Egyptian religions. Also, the flood of Noah that appears in the Bible also appears in almost every ancient writing or tradition. Christianity tied itself to the Catholic Church and became not only a religion, but a whole government unto itself patterned after the Roman army to enhance control of the public. This is why we had the dark ages, why the greatest people of history were killed, mocked, tortured, and nearly forgotten, and why humanity is so easily ruled by fear today. Duality is not a full explanation but it effectively utilizes fear to motivate people to follow blindly. That is why love is the only religion. It is the only thing that can beat fear.

That sums up my first post. Please feel free to comment. I would love your insights.