Good morning, the more that I look around, the more I see empathy is not a rare trait. We have been led to believe that it is but a lot of people care about others. From social networking sites like Twitter and YouTube, to blogs and podcasts, there a lot of people who have the same feelings right now all around the world.
There are thousands of charities around the world that truly try to help others. But unfortunately there are also a lot of charities that rip people off. I think it shows the dualism in our society. There is a belief in right and wrong ingrained in us from moral codes and societal standards. These are nothing more than the hopes of a few very rich men who had interest in keeping others down. There are obviously some standards to which should be followed such as do no harm and The Golden Rule. But the majority of the laws are meant to benefit only companies and private donors to political candidates. The head of the FDA is a former Monsanto executive, You have to work for Goldman Sachs in order to be appointed to the Treasury, The list goes on and on. Yet because of religion and moral codes and societal standards, we are held to believe that everything is either right or wrong and that people deserve to be put in prison for things that are wrong according to companies and governments that find it in their interest to put them away. But I'll save the corrupt prison industrial complex for another time.
If we can ever get away from the dualistic nature of our society and accept people for who they are, as long as you're not hurting others, the world will truly be a better place. Think about it, Democrats and Republicans, God and Satan, right and wrong, everything has a vested interest in keeping you distracted and in fear. Once you let go of that fear you can finally experience what true freedom is. That's why I believe Western society is the disease. We destroy the planet, we tell others who they can and cannot marry, the wealth gap is bigger than it's ever been, zionists, corporations, and the military industrial complex control the government; and Christianity controls the majority of the population. I know the problems are great, but there is an easy solution.
Empathy is the solution. If you can feel the pain of others, you will not want to hurt them. Unconditional love is the solution for all. If you truly have a desire to help others, we can truly make the world a living paradise. Let's do it together.
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