Monday, November 19, 2012

An Introduction To My Mindset

Everyone is unique. Everyone is also very similar. Humanity and society has been around for a long time in different forms and is constantly molding itself into something new. An unfortunate consequence of the universe constantly seeking balance is that we have not progressed beyond our most basic instincts in certain regards.

I have always been fascinated by war. The level of innovation man has achieved (and will achieve) for the sake of war is unmatched with any other reason for innovation. The first weapons were used for protection, hunting, and survival. As man grew more complex these instincts did not go away. That is why apart from those who profit from war, most people are disgusted at the thought of war with our fellow humans. In the United States we have been taught that wars are just and necessary to maintain our place as "defenders of freedom." How can one enjoy freedom if he is killed in order for U.S. interests to be proper served? When we betray our natural inclination towards peace, we let fear and hate take over. Humanity must progress beyond war and discord to evolve any more.

In most developed countries in the world, people have several choices for their daily entertainment. Music, Television, Games, Books (eBooks), Gossip, Partying, etc are mainstays of entertainment in the 21st century. In almost every genre of entertainment, technology has advanced immensely. At the same time, the quality of information has become immensely worse. It is hard to trust anyone when most people are exposed to thousands of advertisements lying to us every single day. Now companies are relentlessly pushing their positive "image" to us on every front (billboards, radio, t.v., internet, etc). The truth is the image is a mirage. Companies exist to make a profit. In order for a company to make a profit, someone else must lose. We are the losers and we don't even realize it. The entertainment industry and big corporations are intertwined beyond recognition. Because of this we set humanity back mentally and physically for the sake of the few that are clever enough to deceive us. Humanity must progress beyond programming to become our own programmers.

At its heart, religion has noble aspirations. Unfortunately, it has been stunting humanity's growth for thousands of years. From the ancient Sumerian and Egyptian religions to the current Western religions, the similarities abound. The Greek and Roman gods were also very similar. Unfortunately, Christianity took over the Western world in Roman times and became the Roman Catholic Church we know today. Since the beginning, Christianity borrowed elements of Judaism and ancient Egyptian religions. Also, the flood of Noah that appears in the Bible also appears in almost every ancient writing or tradition. Christianity tied itself to the Catholic Church and became not only a religion, but a whole government unto itself patterned after the Roman army to enhance control of the public. This is why we had the dark ages, why the greatest people of history were killed, mocked, tortured, and nearly forgotten, and why humanity is so easily ruled by fear today. Duality is not a full explanation but it effectively utilizes fear to motivate people to follow blindly. That is why love is the only religion. It is the only thing that can beat fear.

That sums up my first post. Please feel free to comment. I would love your insights.

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